You can order Princess Awakening: Tower of Sand now online…

Or from your local bookstore or library!

Art by Courtney Clay. Design by Nathaniel Soria.

Art by Courtney Clay. Design by Nathaniel Soria.


One day is all Princess Aurelie has left….

In just one day, she needs to survive her curse and get out of her tower so she can become the leader of her people. So the game begins, and the stakes increase as each new character comes into play, the nobility of the kingdom vying for power or influence as they move in and out of the tower, while the door always remains shut to the princess. It is only through the search for truth and the revelation of her own power that Aurelie will find the keys that could finally unlock that door—and her destiny. But first, she must decide: Is she willing to pay the cost?

This fairy tale retelling, set in Medieval France, is the beginning of a gripping four-part saga in which love and self-liberation are more powerful than any prison of sand or spell or stone.

You can also request the book at your local library!

Each library has its own process for requesting a new book, so the best thing to do is go online and look for a button titled “Can’t Find It?” or “Request a Book”. Then fill out the info:

  • Title: Princess Awakening: Tower of Sand

  • Author: L.A. Soria

  • ISBN: 978-1-7361346-0-3

  • Publication Date: Dec. 2020

Thank you! Each purchase of a book and each library request helps me tremendously as an indie author. I also love it when you simply hand the book to a friend and tell them to read it.

10,000 Readers…

That’s my goal. That’s the make-or-break point when you know whether a book will succeed or fail on its own merit.

So, if you know people who would like the book, and if you need a discount to get the book into several other hands, then please reach out to me! I’m ready to share copies at my own wholesale rate or even give them away for free in order to share the story and to reach those first 10,000 readers. And when you read it, remember to post your recommendation — #PrincessAwakening.

Much love,

—L.A. Soria